Saturday, March 7, 2009

SMILE ThErApY...........:-)

Smile:The need of the Current WORLD

Nothing is permanent in life. Life has its own shadows black in the night,Brightness in the day...It is a continual challenge.. Just take life as it comes and enjoy every bit of it… Each moment in life is a phase.Face them with a smile ,good or bad.Life is beautiful if you look at it with a smile.

Happiness shows best when you put that smile on your face! A smile can make anyone happy.

A smile, it is said, is a curve which can put things straight. Costing nothing and conveying so much, it is one of the best things in this world which are for free

Frown and you frown alone," it is sometimes said, "but smile and the whole world smiles with you." The whole world? That may be a stretch, but a smile can be incredibly powerful. Wearing a warm smile can draw people to you, put others at ease, and even cheer you up.

Living in the favorable and unfavorable situation is called Part of living. But, smiling in all those situations is called Art of living.

A smile…is sweet

A smile… can improve one face value

A smile …does not cost anything

Always take a moment to smile. It makes people wonder what you are up to . Life can give you a hundred reasons to cry but you can give life a thousand reasons to smile. My Lips curve into a smile …for so many reasons.. Few are here…

Smiling just like that... need to be a reason every time.??

In life too, we gain more marks by a cheerful smile and thereby expressing an agreeable face. A tremendous amount of goodwill is gained through this seemingly simple gesture.

Most important benefit of a smiling face is ease of relationship in family

Keep smiling and keep your family happy. ;)

We all need this magic charisma of SMILE...........Love to smile always.Basically I am a very happy go lucky kind of a person and live life each day to the fullest.........Plz it is my sincere request to you all that take atleast 5 minutes time from your busy schedule everyday and keep it for SMILING.........At anything you like.......Give yourself happiness......Live for yourself only for yourself,for your sake for that 5 minutes......and in that 5 selfish and smile for the reason you actually want.............Believe me would be destressed and find every reason to enjoy living...............for others as well as for others.And never miss an opportunity to make atleast one person in every single day smile............Give him a small moments of happiness,..........share his sorrows..........And believe me............We all would be able to reach the ultimate state of Nirvana.............something Next to GOD..............And we would be content from inside..........Core of heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ACKNOWLEDEMENTS:My this blog and all my previous blogs and the blogs I would write in future is only dedicated to my Father.........My dad......My inspiration.He is the person who taught me the real value of living.......My dad taught me to live life happily with a smile in face........Baba(my dad) are my God......My life.Thank you for making me happy and enabling me to hold smile in my face because you took up all my sorrows..........But this time of writing this acknowledgement.......I can't hold back my tears............I am proud of you DaD!!!!!!!Now its my time for me to give you happiness.I love you are the best.You are the best person person of the world......Just be like that BABA.